If you could get in a time machine and visit your past self at any point, what would you tell them?
My previous go-to answer was "Invest in Red Velvet anything." My new answer is something along the lines of "YOU LITTLE SHIT, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW GOOD YOU HAVE IT."
I'm exaggerating. But the sentiment is, to put it in the most painfully generic cliche, is "You don't know what you've got till it's gone."
But is this even worth saying anymore? Everyone already knows this. We just set it aside in our minds, and get reminded of it now and again, whenever change hurts us.
Maybe a better cliche to use (and a slightly healthier attitude to adopt) is "The grass is always greener..." In just the way I envy the Owen's at different points in history, they might find reason to envy me. There was a point when I was hopelessly frustrated artistically, but incidentally, also happier socially. Unhappy romantically, but satisfied professionally. Etcetera, etcetera. Not saying that any of these are linked, or that the universe works on some cosmic trade-off system. Just that nothing is ever perfect, and nothing is ever hopeless.
Every cloud has a silver lining. And every silver lining has an even thinner lining of shit. Those shit-lining's have trace elements of silver, which are in turn microscopically contaminated with shit, and so on, ad infinitum.
(...When am I gonna stop ending my blog posts with bleak, inconclusive world views? When the world stops being a grey, amorphous haze of silver and shit.)
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